Avinuty Fitness Club has organised a Health check up camp and Awareness Guest Lecture program for the Teaching and Non Teaching faculty of Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for women, campus II on 11.10.2022 by inviting BRJ Hospital Dr.Sathish and his team.
In this program Dr.BRJ.Sathish has delivered a awareness lecture on Fitness and Women Health and followed by a health checkup camp was organised. Bone Density check up, Blood Sugar level, and general health checkup was conducted. Beneficiaries of this program were Teaching faculty of Education, Self Financing program, Physical Education, Engineering and Non Teaching faculty from various departments participated.
Dr.R.Saravana Prabha and Mrs.A.Sivasankari initiated and executed the whole program in an organized lane.
Participants from various departments attending the session.
Bone Density check up