Avinashilingam Institute,Department of Physical Education has organised a guest Lecture on Taekwondo by inviting Dr.S.Premkumar, Secretary, Coimbatore District Taekwondo Association, Mr.D.Manoj Kumar, Joint Secretary CDTA, National level medalist in Taekwondo A.Ajay,M.Mohammed Sharukkan, A.Chandra Babu ,A.S Avanthika, R.Aruna, A.R.Rithika from PSG Arts college & PSG Tech. The forenoon session started with a prayer and Head DPE Dr.R.Saravana Prabha has expressed the welcome note. The entire crew has practically oriented our Physical Education students about the importance of martial arts and the skills and in Taekwondo. 65 students attended the live session and 80 students attended through Google Meet.